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Four Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Durham, Raleigh, and Wilmington are three of North Carolina’s largest cities and are home to approximately one million North Carolinians. As a result, there is a significant amount of truck traffic in, out, and around these cities, shipping and delivering goods to residents and businesses alike. Truck accidents are not uncommon, and unfortunately, some of these accidents result in serious injuries. 

If you have been injured in a truck accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries, lost wages, and pain and suffering. In order to prevail, you must be able to prove that the truck driver or trucking company was negligent in some way. Proving the cause of your accident can be more challenging than you may think. To get the compensation you deserve, contact an experienced truck accident attorney for help.

1. Driving While Fatigued

Truck drivers, especially long-haul semi-truck drivers, spend long hours behind the wheel. While some may be subject to hours of service limitations under federal law, they are often on the road before the sun comes up or late at night. If they have not had sufficient rest, they may be quite tired while they are driving. 

Even if the driver isn’t falling asleep behind the wheel, driving while fatigued is still dangerous. Driving while fatigued can affect the driver’s abilities in the following ways: 

  • Poor judgment. Drivers who are tired may have difficulty thinking clearly and assessing potential risks. 
  • Lack of focus. Drivers who are fatigued often struggle to pay attention. As a result, they may make sudden lane changes because they are about to miss their turn or fail to recognize potential traffic hazards. 
  • Delayed reflexes. Fatigued drivers will have slower reaction times, making it harder to avoid accidents. 

One of the most dangerous aspects of driving while fatigued is that drivers often don’t realize how it impacts their driving until it is too late. In the event of an accident, it is unlikely that the driver will even admit that they caused the accident because they were too tired. As a result, these can be difficult cases to prove. A truck accident attorney can help you get the compensation you deserve if you have been injured in an accident caused by a truck driver who was too tired to be behind the wheel. 

2. Mechanical Failures

Trucks have intense maintenance needs due to their size and weight, as well as the number of hours they spend in operation. Drivers and trucking companies have a legal duty to ensure that their trucks are well-maintained and in good working order before every trip. Unfortunately, drivers may neglect to inspect their trucks or may simply ignore potential issues. Trucking companies may neglect their maintenance requirements in order to save some money. Whatever the reason behind the breakdown, a sudden mechanical failure can quickly lead to an accident. Here are some maintenance issues that can result in a very serious accident: 

  • Driving on worn tires
  • Worn brake pads or rotors, leaking brake lines, and misadjusted brakes
  • Suspension issues
  • Trailer hitch issues
  • Burned-out brake lights, tail lights, or headlights

Basically, any mechanical issues that can affect the truck’s handling or ability to stop require immediate attention. A tire blowout can cause the driver to lose control. Brake issues can make it impossible for the driver to stop. 

In some cases, mechanical failures may be the result of negligence on the part of another third party. For example, the accident may be caused by defective parts such as defective tires. Alternatively, the trucking company may have an outside mechanic perform maintenance and repairs that did not properly service the truck. Sorting out the cause of your accident and who should be held accountable won’t be easy, but a truck accident attorney can help.  

3. Inadequate Supervision

Truck drivers may not be in their supervisor’s direct line of sight, but that doesn’t mean that their employers have no responsibility to ensure that they are following the law and driving safely. More and more trucking companies are using GPS devices to track their drivers, monitoring their speed, braking, and hours behind the wheel. Industry advocates believe that such tracking devices greatly reduce the risk of trucking accidents. 

Unfortunately, many trucking companies still do not use any such devices to ensure that their drivers are driving safely. Even if that is the case, they can still implement policies that make it clear that their drivers are to comply with all traffic laws and trucking regulations at all times. These policies should inform drivers that failure to comply with the law and regulations is grounds for discipline or termination. Trucking companies can also regularly hold meetings and safety briefings with their drivers to remind them of their obligation to drive safely. They can also require their drivers to attend training sessions to brush up on safe driving practices. 

Perhaps more importantly, trucking companies should reprimand drivers who break the law or otherwise drive dangerously. Whether they are being monitored by GPS or not, all of these efforts are meaningless if the drivers know that there are no consequences for being negligent. 

4. Negligent Hiring

Trucking companies can also be held accountable for hiring drivers who are unqualified or who have a record of driving unsafely. Trucking companies should make reasonable efforts to screen applicants and make sure that anyone they hire meets the following criteria: 

  • They have the appropriate license such as a CDL
  • They have a clean driving record
  • They do not have any health issues that may prevent them from driving safely
  • They do not have a history of untreated substance abuse 

Injured in a Truck Accident? Contact Martin & Jones Today

If you have been injured in a truck accident, a truck accident attorney from Martin & Jones can help you get fair compensation for your claim. To discuss your case and what it may be worth, call us today at 800-662-1234 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.

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