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Think Before You Post: Injuries and Social Media

August 19, 2021

Social media continues to become more and more ingrained into the fabric of our daily lives. It allows us to communicate with friends and family, share photos, and discuss current events. For some of us, it has become our primary means of keeping in touch with those we care about, and as a result, we share both our highs and our lows. Unfortunately, sharing the details of our daily lives can sometimes have unintended consequences. If you have suffered a serious injury due to an accident, you should think twice about sharing anything on social media until you have discussed your case with a Raleigh personal injury lawyer.

Your Social Media Accounts Can Undercut Your Claim

We all know someone who is an “over-sharer” and posts details of their life. Even if that’s not you, you should be aware that even posts that are completely unrelated to your accident could jeopardize your claim. For example:

  • Posting pictures from your cruise while receiving workers’ compensation benefits even though the cruise was scheduled before your accident
  • Checking in at a dance club even though you didn’t dance and remained seated while pursuing a slip-and-fall claim
  • Posting a picture of your baby resulting in comments about how healthy she looks in the middle of pursuing a claim related to a birth injury

Of course, you should also be careful not to discuss your accident or any of the details of your case. There are two reasons for this:

  1. Any statements you make can be used against you in your case.
  2. You could potentially breach the attorney-client privilege if you have hired an attorney.

If you have been injured in an accident, it’s best if you leave it off social media and contact a Raleigh personal injury attorney. In addition, you may need to put your accounts on hiatus in order to avoid inadvertently undermining your claim.

Your Account is Private – Or Is It?

Setting your social media accounts to “private” is a good practice, regardless of whether or not you are pursuing an accident claim. However, do not think that your privacy settings provide ironclad protection. Friends, co-workers, and others who follow you may be able to see everything you post, share it with others, or capture it in a screenshot.

More importantly, if you have to file suit, the other party may be able to gain access to your social media via court order. Suddenly, your vacation photos and other aspects of your private life may be used against you. A Raleigh personal injury lawyer can provide you with further guidance as to what you should and shouldn’t put on social media.

Injured? Talk to a Raleigh Personal Injury Lawyer at Martin & Jones

If you have been injured, we can help you protect your claim – contact us today at 800-662-1234 to schedule a free consultation. 

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“Thank you so much for everything that you did for Gene and I in our lawsuit and trial. We appreciate all of the hard work, long hours and care that was shown to us. All of you are such special people to us. We are so fortunate to have been represented by the five of you. I hope that you got the chance to get some well deserved rest and sleep.  Thanks again for everything. Sincerely…”

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The law firm you choose makes a difference. If you are the victim of an accident or an illness that someone else caused, the North Carolina personal injury law firm of Martin & Jones has the depth of experience, skills and sensitivity to make your road to recovery as smooth as possible. Whether you have experience with the legal system or have never hired a medical malpractice or personal injury lawyer before, our attorneys and staff will do our best to answer your questions, provide clear advice and prepare you and your family for what to expect. If you would like more information or to meet with one of our attorneys, please fill out the form below or call us at 800.662.1234.