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Monthly Archives: April 2011

Federal Trade Commission Attempts To Rein In Mortgage Relief Scams

April 27, 2011

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently issued a Final Rule aimed at protecting struggling homeowners from mortgage relief scams. The new rule outlaws advance fees and false claims, while also requiring clear and accurate disclosures from companies providing such services. The FTC recently announced the Mortgage Assistance Relief Services (MARS) […]

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Supreme Court Rules Against Consumers in High Stakes Arbitration Decision

April 27, 2011

In a much-anticipated decision, the United States Supreme Court ruled against consumers in AT&T v. Concepcion. In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court held that corporations may use arbitration clauses to cut off consumers and employees’ right to join their claims together through class actions to hold corporations accountable. The […]

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CitiBank Agrees to Change Overdraft Policy

April 26, 2011

CitiBank recently announced a change to its overdraft policies. Beginning July 25, 2011, CitiBank will process checks from smallest to largest. Currently, most banks process checks from largest to smallest, which means that if a large check overdraws an account, then each smaller check will do so also, resulting in […]

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One in Three Hospital Patients Will Be Injured by a Medical Mistake

No one wants to believe this frightening fact. One in three? That’s right. Studies now show that one out of every three hospital admissions includes an injury to a patient due to a medical mistake. If everyone knew how dangerous hospitals are, I wouldn’t have to explain my job at […]

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House Bill 709: A Radical Attack on Injured Workers in North Carolina

Big business and insurance company lobbyists have pressured some of our legislators to file a bill, House Bill 709, that is a radical attack on the rights of injured workers. The bill has many objectionable provisions, but here are some of the worst: With few exceptions, the bill limits both […]

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National Asbestos Awareness Week Brings Attention to Disease

Thanks to a resolution passed by the US Senate, the first week of April 2011 has been designated as National Asbestos Awareness Week. Senate Resolution 63 is intended to raise awareness about the prevalence of asbestos-related diseases among the population of people who have been exposed to the fiber, and […]

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“I would like to leave a testimonial thanking Steven and Allison for their care and understanding. Steven’s pursuit and success in getting some compensation for our loss. A final closure of our loss of brother Mike. Thanks to Martin & Jones for looking after Mike’s care since his injury in 2005. You have been there for Mike and his family for a long time. Mike passed in 2016 and you stood for the family up to the present (July 2017). Many thanks.”

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