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Martin & Jones Investigating Mesothelioma From Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder

Johnson & Johnson has announced a recall of approximately 33,000 bottles of its Johnson’s Baby Powder, after testing by the FDA revealed the presence of asbestos in samples of the product.

Until this recall, Johnson & Johnson has repeatedly claimed that its Johnson’s Baby Powder was asbestos-free.  In 2018, the company took out a full page ad in the New York Times, stating that the company had scientific evidence that its talc is safe.  The ad said in part, “If we had any reasons to believe our talc was unsafe, it would be off our shelves.”  Despite the company’s previous claims that its talc was safe, juries in multiple trials have found that asbestos was present in Johnson’s Baby Powder and caused malignant mesothelioma in past users of the product.

Martin & Jones is currently pursuing cases for clients who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma after using Johnson’s Baby Powder.  Read more about the recall here.

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