North Carolina Mesothelioma Attorneys for Mesothelioma Litigation
The North Carolina mesothelioma attorneys at Martin & Jones fight to get you the compensation you may be entitled to. Experienced and aggressive trial lawyers.
Mesothelioma Litigation
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure, the North Carolina mesothelioma attorneys at Martin & Jones can help you bring a legal case seeking damages from the parties responsible anywhere throughout the United States.
What is Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that is caused by inhaling asbestos particles that have made their way to the thin layers of cells lining the body’s internal organs, known as the mesothelium.
Pleural mesothelioma is the most common form of malignant mesothelioma — occurring in about 70 percent of cases — and affects the lining of the lungs. Mesothelioma of the heart or abdomen — known as pericardial mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma, respectively — also result from asbestos exposure.
A person who has been exposed to asbestos may not show symptoms of the disease until many years or even decades following exposure.
Questions about Mesothelioma Litigation, Appeals and Settlements
Contact Us for AnswersWays You May Have Been Exposed to Asbestos
The National Institutes of Health report that for every 20 tons of asbestos produced and consumed in the world, one person is killed from a disease related to asbestos exposure. The following are the most common ways people are exposed to asbestos:
- On the Jobsite: Between the years 1940 and 1979, at least 27 million US workers were exposed to asbestos in the workplace. Of the more than 40,000 people who died of malignant mesothelioma between 2005 and 2014, more than 70 percent could trace their asbestos exposure to the workplace.
- During military service: In the last century, every branch of the U.S. military used asbestos, and barracks were constructed with the material. Exposure was highest among those serving on Navy vessels or who worked on military aircraft and vehicles during the period between the 1930s and 1970s.
- Living Near Contaminated Sites: Even though they might not have worked with asbestos directly, people living next to asbestos-contaminated sites were exposed.
- Secondary Exposure: People who worked with asbestos unknowingly exposed their family members to the toxic substance when they brought it home from work on their shoes and clothes, hair and skin.
Who Can Be Held Responsible for Exposing You to Asbestos?
The unfortunate truth is that many companies continued to manufacture, distribute, and use asbestos or products containing asbestos well after the time they knew of the risks the material posed to people’s health. Asbestos exposure continues to this day, as products and materials remain in — or continue to make their way into — our living environment.
The challenge in holding a party responsible for the exposure to asbestos and the resulting illness is being able to prove causation. This is where the skills of experienced North Carolina mesothelioma attorneys come in.
Recovery for damages related to a diagnosis of mesothelioma from asbestos exposure can come from several avenues, and your lawyer will be able to help you determine the best way to proceed.
- A negligence claim against the company that knew or should have known that you were being exposed to asbestos in the air and that failed to use reasonable care in protecting you
- A product liability claim against the manufacturer of a product containing asbestos
- A workers’ compensation claim against an employer who exposed you to asbestos.
- A wrongful death claim, in cases where a family member died from mesothelioma
What Factors Could Affect the Damages You Receive?
- Your age
- Whether you have dependents to care for
- Your current and future medical costs
- The nature of the exposure to asbestos
- Whether the companies at fault have filed bankruptcy
How North Carolina Mesothelioma Attorneys Can Help
Whether your case is based in North Carolina or anywhere else in the United States, it is important that you contact our North Carolina mesothelioma attorneys as soon as possible. There are strict time limits regarding when a case can be filed and these time limits can differ from state to state. No matter where your case will be filed, the Martin & Jones mesothelioma lawyers can help.
Please contact us online or call us at 1-800-662-1234. All consultations are no-obligation and free. We have offices in Raleigh, Durham and Wilmington.
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